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Can you pass HHC Drug Test?

Does HHC Allow You to Pass a Drug Test?

Since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, the market has been flooded with legally available psychotropic cannabis with a THC content of 0.3% or less. HHC is a recently available, comparatively unheard-of psychoactive drug. HHC exhibits effects that are comparable to those of Delta 9 THC, the active element in marijuana, and is a little stronger than the exceedingly well-liked cannabinoid Delta-8 THC. The fact that HHC is legal on a federal level is great news for marijuana enthusiasts seeking a safe way to get high. Despite the fact that it is legal, many users still worry that HHC can make them fail a drug test. The following information provides the answer to this query along with an explanation for it.

First, let's go over what HHC is and how it works with your endocannabinoid system.

HHC: What is it?

A few years ago, activists predicted which state would be the next to legalize cannabis and argued for the right to ingest CBD. Thanks to Congress and an old-fashioned American ingenuity, hemp technology has now far outpaced that of cannabis. It represents the height of ingenuity.

We should be grateful because hexahydrocannabinol, also known as HHC, is the newest cannabinoid. But what exactly is HHC? HHC has actually been around for a while, despite what the general public thinks. It is a more ancient cannabinoid as it was found in the 1940s. It offers consumers an extremely robust high that is greater than Delta 8 THC but not as potent as Delta 9 THC, according to science and anecdotal data. HHC manages to maintain some force while striking a fair balance between the two. HHC is currently creating waves in the consumer market as well.

Prior to beginning, it is advisable to conduct research on all novel cannabinoids.

In order to create the first HHC, American chemist Roger Adams mixed hydrogen molecules with Delta-9 THC in 1944. According to Leafly, the combination of THC and a procedure known as hydrogenation results in hexahydrocannabinol (HHC). "One use of hydration is the synthesis of cannabinoids." The process for making margarine from vegetable oil is similar.

According to Leafly, "While Adams produced HHC from THC extracted from conventional cannabis, today's cannabinoid is commonly derived through a procedure that starts with hemp, the low-THC cannabis plant that Congress made federally legal in the 2018 agriculture bill."

I suppose that's the science at work here. But the story of this innovative and intriguing hemp-derived chemical is just beginning. What benefits may HHC provide? How does HHC get made? Most importantly, do you get high off HHC? As with any novel cannabinoid, it is imperative to be aware of these specifics.

HHC is it legal?

We love to ask this query everytime a new cannabinoid is launched. Is HHC forbidden? The answer to question is a hearty yes thanks to the Farm Bill and our friends in Congress, with the proviso that it might be in a murky area and that there's always some disagreement on this one. But generally speaking, it's hard to challenge that assertion.

So let's call it a legal murky area even though the truth is a little bit simpler. They should be fine because HHC is made from hemp and not genuine THC, as stated on one company's website, according to Leafly. According to the website, all forms of HHC products are entirely lawful at the federal level and they will presumably continue to be legal at the state level as well.

According to Leafly, "Company officials further maintain that because HHC is contained in hemp plant seeds and pollen, it is "non-synthetic" and so a "completely legitimate federal hemp extraction."

But let's be clear: how the law is understood determines whether or not HHC is legal.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published an interim regulation outlining the legal restrictions on cannabis and its constituent parts in compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill. It stated that "all synthetic tetrahydrocannabinols remain Schedule I controlled substances."

As a result, the legality of HHC is largely determined by whether it is a synthetic or natural chemical. Most people would argue—and rightfully so—that it is genuine.

Yes, it's perplexing. For you, the law is that. However, HHC is currently legal to create, buy, and use, so take advantage while it lasts.

But some people don't agree. As Leafly pointed out, other professionals are more doubtful. Any chemical that is comparable to a Schedule I drug-in this case, conventional THC-would be regarded as a Schedule I drug in its own right under the Federal Analogue Act. HHC fits this criterion, says James Stephens, a cannabis scientist at Creo. THC is still illegal, thus HHC would be as well.

Technically, hemp-derived HHC is acceptable. Keep track of any changes to the state and local legislation in your area.

Is HHC Going to Make Me Fail A Drug Test?

Even though the verdict has not yet been rendered, it is wiser to err on the side of caution. HHC differs chemically from THC more than Delta-8 and Delta 10 do. This substance will be broken down by somewhat different metabolites because it is created by adding an extra hydrogen molecule to Delta-9 THC.

HHC has not been sufficiently investigated to be on many drug-testing radars, and there is currently no accurate test to screen for it. However, if you consistently consume HHC or use it in conjunction with other cannabinoids, you still risk failing a drug test even if you haven't consumed any THC. It won't hurt to be ready and treat HHC the same way you would the other cannabinoids from hemp on this list.

But before you panic, numerous users have stated that they were able to pass a drug test after previously used HHC products. Keep in mind that the assertion that HHC will not be detected is unsupported by any scientific data; rather, it depends on the specific HHC product used, the frequency of intake, and the type of drug test utilized.

Let's discuss some of the most common drug test kinds, their possible applications, and those who do them.

Standardized Drug Tests

The majority of the time, hospitals, law enforcement, corporations, and probation officers use one of five different types of drug testing. Both the price and the accuracy of these tests can be significantly different depending on their intended purpose.

Urine Test:

Urine tests are the most often used kind of testing because they are inexpensive, easy to use, and highly accurate. Nearly all employers and probation authorities use urine tests to identify the THC-COOH metabolite since it can linger in the body for many weeks following the first usage. These examinations may be conducted in front of a designated observer or, to prevent tampering, behind a brief barrier.

Saliva Test:

Police officers and other law enforcement professionals routinely utilize saliva testing to determine whether a person has drank alcohol while driving. Because they can only detect THC if it has been consumed within the last 10 hours, these tests are rather unreliable. These tests are frequently carried out by using a cotton swab to scrape the inside of your cheek.

Blood Test:

Hospitals are where most blood tests are carried out. In the event that you've been admitted to the hospital and are deemed to be under the influence, a blood test can reveal whether or not you currently have any HHC in your system. Instead of looking for THC metabolites, these tests look for current intoxication in your system. If you are sober when the blood is taken, the test will come out negative.

Hair Test:

The hair test is the most expensive drug test. Although it takes a while for the findings to get back, they are very precise. Cannabis will end up in your hair follicles as your body breaks it down. Because hair takes a very long time to grow, not just lately in terms of weeks, these tests can identify whether HHC was ingested recently. Hair testing, which is frequently used in autopsies, can also be used by law recruiters to assess potential candidates.

Perspiration (Sweat) Test

Sweat tests are arguably the least probable for you to submit to of all the drug tests. The use of these diagnostics is restricted to clinical research due to their high cost and intrusiveness. Two weeks must pass while the patch is attached to the user's skin; during that time, the patch will test for THC-COOH metabolites. You shouldn't worry too much about it as this is the least likely way to get a drug test.

A Word of Caution

When it comes to drug testing for work, it may be advisable to completely abstain from using any HHC products. Federal law permits HHC, but many companies will want to make sure their employees are working safely and effectively while they are supposed to. You might wish to disclose your HHC consumption to your employer, depending on your connection with them. It could be a double-edged sword if you manage to pass your drug test while lately ingesting HHC products.

HHC users have a history of passing drug tests, and there may be a scientific explanation for this. Some experts claim that the body does not convert HHC into THC metabolites, specifically 11-hydroxy-THC. Because your body converts both Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC into this metabolite, it is strongly suggested to avoid taking any of these cannabinoids if you must submit to drug tests as part of your job. This idea might convince consumers to switch to products containing HHC, albeit further scientific research is needed to support it.

If you do choose to consume HHC products, you should always check to see if the manufacturer has published the results of objective lab testing carried out by a third party. These tests, also referred to as "certificates of authenticity" or "CoAs," can confirm whether a substance contains even trace amounts of THC. Before making your final purchases, make sure to do enough research because full-spectrum products and mixed cannabis products are usually known to contain such minute amounts.

If you suspect or know that you will soon be required to take a drug test, you should immediately cease using all HHC products just to be safe. The fact that numerous HHC users have shared their own experiences with passing a drug test does not ensure that your outcomes will be the same. Always check the manufacturer's lab results before buying HHC products to see whether there are any traces of THC present.

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